Cofoundry 0.11 is primarily focused on migrating to .NET 6, but also includes a few other bug fixes and documentation updates.

Migrating to .NET 6 and Cofoudry 0.11

There's no breaking changes in Cofoundry 0.11 other than those imposed by the upgrade from .NET 3.1 to .NET 6, so the best migration path is to read through the comprehensive ASP.NET 3.1 to 6.0 migration docs from Microsoft.

Some new features of .NET 6 are optional, such as the new minimal hosting model, global using directives and file scoped namespaces. Cofoundry documentation and samples have been updated to reflect these new features, but they remain optional.

Here's an example Program.cs file that registers Cofoundry using the new minimal hosting model:

using Cofoundry.Web;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);


var app = builder.Build();



You can also remove the need for many of the more common Cofoundry namespaces by adding them to a global usings file:


global using Cofoundry.Core;
global using Cofoundry.Domain;
global using Cofoundry.Domain.CQS;
global using Cofoundry.Web;

Other Updates

Bug fixes

  • #516 Add Page: Custom entity page triggers unresolvable validation error
  • #515 Admin Panel: Developer exception page no longer shows
  • #508 Error Logging Plugin: Limit overflow on long fields


  • #506 Document how to add TinyMCE Plugins


For a complete list of bug fixes and features, check out the full release notes on GitHub using the link below.