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Common Config Settings

Admin Settings

  • Cofoundry:Admin:Disabled Disables the admin panel, removing all routes from the routing table and disabling sign in.
  • Cofoundry:Admin:AutoInjectVisualEditor Indicates whether to inject the visual editor into your content managed pages and other MVC results. Enabled by default.
  • Cofoundry:Admin:DirectoryName The path to the admin panel. Defaults to "admin". Can only contain letters, numbers and dashes.

Asset File Cleanup Settings

These settings control the background task that runs to clean up deleted asset files. Asset files are deleted as a background process to avoid file locking issues.

  • Cofoundry:AssetFileCleanup:Disabled If set to true the cleanup background task is disabled.
  • Cofoundry:AssetFileCleanup:BackgroundTaskFrequencyInMinutes How often the background task should run, measured in minutes.
  • Cofoundry:AssetFileCleanup:BatchSize The number of queue items (files) to process each time the background task runs.
  • Cofoundry:AssetFileCleanup:CompletedItemRetentionTimeInMinutes The number of minutes to stored data on completed items in the queue.
  • Cofoundry:AssetFileCleanup:DeadLetterRetentionTimeInMinutes The number of minutes to store data on unprocessable items in the queue.
  • Cofoundry:AssetFileCleanup:MaxRetryWindowInDays The total number of days to keep attempting to clean up an item in the queue.
  • Cofoundry:AssetFileCleanup:RetryOffsetInMinutes The initial time to wait before trying again to clean up an item that previously errored. This is multiplied by the RetryOffsetMultiplier on each failed attempt.
  • Cofoundry:AssetFileCleanup:RetryOffsetMultiplier The multiplier to use when incrementing the next attempt date when an item in the queue fails to be processed.

Asset File Settings

  • Cofoundry:AssetFiles:FileExtensionValidation Indicates the type of validation to perform against a file extension and is used in combination with the values in the FileExtensionValidationList setting. The default is UseBlocklist, and other options are UseAllowlist or Disable.
  • Cofoundry:AssetFiles:FileExtensionValidationList The list of file extensions to use when validating an uploaded file by it's file extension. By default this is a list of potentially harmful file extensions and is treated as a blocklist, but the FileExtensionValidation setting can be used to change this behavior to interpret it as an allowlist, or disabled this validation entirely
  • Cofoundry:AssetFiles:MimeTypeValidation Indicates the type of validation to perform against a mime type and is used in combination with the values in the MimeTypeValidationList setting. The default is UseBlocklist, and other options are UseAllowlist or Disable.
  • Cofoundry:AssetFiles:FileExtensionValidationList The list of mime types to use when validating an uploaded file by it's mime type. By default this is a list of potentially harmful mime types and is treated as a blocklist, but the MimeTypeValidation setting can be used to change this behavior to interpret it as an allowlist, or disabled this validation entirely.


These settings control the background task that runs to clean up completed, invalid or expired authorized tasks.

  • Cofoundry:AuthorizedTaskCleanup:Enabled If set to false the cleanup background task is disabled.
  • Cofoundry:AuthorizedTaskCleanup:BackgroundTaskFrequencyInMinutes How often the background task should run, measured in minutes. Defaults to 11 hours and 51 minutes.
  • Cofoundry:AuthorizedTaskCleanup:RetentionPeriodInDays The time period to store data for completed, invalid or expired tasks, measured in days. Defaults to 30 days. If zero, then data is removed as soon as the background task is run. If null or less than zero then task data is stored indefinitely.


Settings that control the auto-update process that runs at startup.

  • Cofoundry:AutoUpdate:Disabled Disables the auto-update process entirely.
  • Cofoundry:AutoUpdate:ProcessLockTimeoutInSeconds The amount of time before the process lock expires and allows another auto-update process to start. This is designed to prevent multiple auto-update processes running concurrently in multi-instance deployment scenarios. By default this is set to 10 minutes which should be more than enough time for the process to run, but you may wish to shorten/lengthen this depending on your needs.
  • Cofoundry:AutoUpdate:RequestWaitForCompletionTimeInSeconds The amount of time (in seconds) that a request should pause and wait for the auto-update process to complete before returning a 503 "temporarily unavailable" response to the client. This defaults to 15 seconds. Setting this to 0 will cause the process not to wait. process entirely.


  • Cofoundry:Content:AlwaysShowUnpublishedData A developer setting which can be used to view unpublished versions of content without being signed into the administrator site.


  • Cofoundry:Database:ConnectionString The main connection string to the Cofoundry database.


  • Cofoundry:Debug:DisableRobotsTxt Disables the dynamic robots.txt file and instead serves up a file that disallows all.

  • Cofoundry:Debug:DeveloperExceptionPageMode Used to indicate whether the application should show the developer exception page with full exception details or not. By default this is set to "DevelopmentOnly"; other values include "On" or "Off".

The following settings are intended to be used when working with the Cofoundry source code.

  • Cofoundry:Debug:UseUncompressedResources By default Cofoundry will try and load minified css/js files, but this can be overridden for debugging purposes and an uncompressed version will try and be located first.
  • Cofoundry:Debug:BypassEmbeddedContent Use this to bypass resources embedded in assemblies and instead load them straight from the file system. This is intended to be used when debugging the Cofoundry project to avoid having to re-start the project when embedded resources have been updated. False by default.
  • Cofoundry:Debug:EmbeddedContentPhysicalPathRootOverride If bypassing embedded content, MapPath will be used to determine the folder root unless this override is specified. The assembly name is added to the path to make the folder root of the project with the resource in.


  • Cofoundry:DocumentAssets:Disabled Disables document asset functionality, removing it from the admin panel and skipping registration of document asset routes. Access to document is still possible from code if you choose to use those APIs from a user account with permissions.
  • Cofoundry:DocumentAssets:EnableCompatibilityRoutesFor0_4 Enables document asset routes that work for URLs generated prior to v0.4 of Cofoundry. It isn't recommended to enable these unless you really need to because the old routes were vulnerable to enumeration.
  • Cofoundry:DocumentAssets:CacheMaxAge The default max-age to use for the cache control header, measured in seconds. Document asset file URLs are designed to be permanently cacheable so the default value is 1 year.


  • Cofoundry:FileSystemFileStorage:FileRoot The directory root in which to store files such as images, documents and file caches. The default value is "~/App_Data/Files/". IPathResolver is used to resolve this path so by default you should be able to use application relative and absolute file paths.


  • Cofoundry:ImageAssets:Disabled Disables image asset functionality, removing it from the admin panel and skipping registration of image asset routes. Access to images is still possible from code if you choose to use those APIs from a user account with permissions.
  • Cofoundry:ImageAssets:EnableCompatibilityRoutesFor0_4 Enables image asset routes that work for URLs generated prior to v0.4 of Cofoundry. It isn't recommended to enable these unless you really need to because the old routes were vulnerable to enumeration.
  • Cofoundry:ImageAssets:DisableResizing Indicates whether dynamic image resizing should be disabled. Defaults to false. An exception will be thrown if image resizing is requested but not enabled.
  • Cofoundry:ImageAssets:MaxUploadWidth The maximum size in pixels of the image that can be uploaded. Defaults to 3200. If uploading via the admin panel, oversized images will be resized automatically before uploading.
  • Cofoundry:ImageAssets:MaxUploadHeight The maximum height in pixels of the image that can be uploaded. Defaults to 3200. Defaults to 3200. If uploading via the admin panel, oversized images will be resized automatically before uploading.
  • Cofoundry:ImageAssets:MaxResizeWidth The maximum width in pixels of that an image is permitted to be resized to. Defaults to 3200.
  • Cofoundry:ImageAssets:MaxResizeHeight The maximum height in pixels of that an image is permitted to be resized to. Defaults to 3200.
  • Cofoundry:ImageAssets:CacheMaxAge The default max-age to use for the cache control header, measured in seconds. Image asset file URLs are designed to be permanently cacheable so the default value is 1 year.


These settings are specifically for the default in-memory object cache implementation.

  • Cofoundry:InMemoryObjectCache:CacheMode The cache mode that should be used to determine the lifetime of data stored in the cache. Defaults to InMemoryObjectCacheMode.Persistent, which is the preferred mode for a single-server deployment. InMemoryObjectCacheMode.PerScope can be used to enable a simple multi-server deployment.


  • Cofoundry:Mail:SendMode Indicates whether emails should be sent and how. Uses the MailSendMode enum (LocalDrop, Send, SendToDebugAddress, DoNotSend)
  • Cofoundry:Mail:DebugEmailAddress An email address to redirect all mail to when using MailSendMode.SendToDebugAddress
  • Cofoundry:Mail:DefaultFromAddress The default address to send emails
  • Cofoundry:Mail:DefaultFromAddressDisplayName Optionally the name to display with the default From Address
  • Cofoundry:Mail:MailDropDirectory The path to the folder to save mail to when using SendMode.LocalDrop. Defaults to ~/App_Data/Emails


  • Cofoundry:Pages:Disabled Disables the pages functionality, removing page, directories and page templates from the admin panel and skipping registration of the dynamic page route and visual editor. Access to pages is still possible from code if you choose to use those APIs from a user account with permissions.


  • Cofoundry.TaskDurationRandomizer.Enabled If set to false all usage of randomized task duration features are ignored.


  • Cofoundry:SiteUrlResolver:SiteUrlRoot The root URL to use when resolving a relative to absolute URL, e.g. ''. If this value is not defined then the default implementation will fall back to using URL from the request.


  • Cofoundry:StaticFiles:MaxAge The default max-age to use for the cache control header, measured in seconds. The default value is 1 year. General advice here for a maximum is 1 year.
  • Cofoundry:StaticFiles:CacheMode The type of caching rule to use when adding caching headers. This defaults to StaticFileCacheMode.OnlyVersionedFiles which only sets caching headers for files using the "v" querystring parameter convention.


These settings can be controlled on a per-user-area basis by implementing IUserAreaDefinition.ConfigureOptions(UserAreaOptions). See User Area documentation.


  • Cofoundry:Users:Authentication:ExecutionDuration:Enabled Controls whether the randomized execution duration feature is enabled for credential authorization. Defaults to true, extending the execution duration on AuthenticateUserCredentialsQuery and any commands that utilize credential authentication such as UpdateUserPasswordByCredentialsCommand. This helps mitigate time-based enumeration attacks to discover valid usernames.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Authentication:ExecutionDuration:MinInMilliseconds The inclusive lower bound of the randomized credential authorization execution duration, measured in milliseconds (1000ms = 1s). Defaults to 1.5 second.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Authentication:ExecutionDuration:MaxInMilliseconds The inclusive upper bound of the randomized credential authorization execution duration, measured in milliseconds (2000ms = 2s). Defaults to 2 seconds.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Authentication:IPAddressRateLimit:Quantity The maximum number of failed authentication attempts allowed per IP address during the rate limit time window. The default value is 50 attempts.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Authentication:IPAddressRateLimit:Window The time window to measure authentication attempts when rate limiting by IP address, specified as a TimeSpan or in JSON configuration as a time format string e.g. "00:30:00" to represent 30 minutes. The default value is 60 minutes.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Authentication:UsernameRateLimit:Quantity The maximum number of failed authentication attempts allowed per username during the rate limiting time window. The default value is 20 attempts.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Authentication:UsernameRateLimit:Window The time window to measure authentication attempts when rate limiting by username, specified as a TimeSpan or in JSON configuration as a time format string e.g. "00:30:00" to represent 30 minutes. The default value is 60 minutes. The default value is 60 minutes.


These settings control the background task that runs to clean up stale user data. Note that background tasks need to be enabled for the user cleanup task to run.

  • Cofoundry:Users:Cleanup:Enabled If set to false the cleanup background task is disabled.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Cleanup:BackgroundTaskFrequencyInMinutes How often the background task should run, measured in hours. Defaults to 11 hours and 27 minutes. Note that the background task processed all user areas and so customizing this setting for a specific user area has no effect.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Cleanup:DefaultRetentionPeriodInDays The default retention period for stale data, measured in days. If zero, then data is removed as soon as the background task is run. If null or less than zero then task data is stored indefinitely.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Cleanup:AuthenticationLogRetentionPeriodInDays The amount of time to keep records in the UserAuthenticationLog table, measured in days. If null then the value defaults to the DefaultRetentionPeriod. If set to less than zero then task data is stored indefinitely.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Cleanup:AuthenticationFailLogRetentionPeriodInDays The amount of time to keep records in the UserAuthenticationFailLog table, measured in days. If null then the value defaults to the DefaultRetentionPeriod. If set to less than zero then task data is stored indefinitely.


  • Cofoundry:Users:Cookies:ClaimsValidationInterval: The interval at which the claims principal should be validated and refreshed, specified as a TimeSpan or in JSON configuration as a time format string e.g. "00:30:00" to represent 30 minutes. This is the equivalent of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.SecurityStampValidatorOptions.ValidationInterval and is therefore primarily concerned with validating the security stamp and invalidating any out of date cookies after key user data has changed (e.g. username or password), but it also refreshes the claims principal too. The default value is 30 minutes, which matches the default value in Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.SecurityStampValidatorOptions.ValidationInterval. Reducing the interval decreases the window for stale cookie sessions or claims data, but increases the workload on the server in validating and reloading claims data from the database.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Cookies:Namespace: The text to use to namespace the auth cookie. The user area code will be appended to this to make the cookie name, e.g. "MyAppAuth_COF". By default the cookie namespace is created using characters from the entry assembly name of your application.


Controls the default email address validation rules used for all user areas, including the Cofoundry admin user area.

  • Cofoundry:Users:EmailAddress:AllowAnyCharacter: Allows any character in an email, effectively bypassing characters validation. Defaults to true, to ensure maximum compatibility to the widest range of email addresses. When true any settings for AllowAnyLetters, AllowAnyDigit and AdditionalAllowedCharacters are ignored.
  • Cofoundry:Users:EmailAddress:AllowAnyLetter: Allows an email to contain any character classed as a unicode letter as determined by Char.IsLetter. This setting is ignored when AllowAnyCharacter is set to true, which is the default behavior.
  • Cofoundry:Users:EmailAddress:AllowAnyDigit: Allows an email to contain any character classed as a decimal digit as determined by Char.IsDigit i.e 0-9. This setting is ignored when AllowAnyCharacter is set to true, which is the default behavior.
  • Cofoundry:Users:EmailAddress:AdditionalAllowedCharacters: Allows any of the specified characters in addition to the letters or digit characters permitted by the AllowAnyLetters and AllowAnyDigit settings. This setting is ignored when AllowAnyCharacter is set to true, which is the default behavior. The @ symbol is always permitted. The default settings specifies the range of special characters permitted in unquoted email addresses, excluding comment parentheses "()", and the square brackets "[]" that are used to denote an IP address instead of a domain i.e "!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~.@". When enabling or altering these settings please be aware of the full extent of acceptable email formats.
  • Cofoundry:Users:EmailAddress:MinLength: The minimum length of an email address. Defaults to 3. Must be between 3 and 150 characters.
  • Cofoundry:Users:EmailAddress:MaxLength: The maximum length of an email address. Defaults to 150 characters and must be between 3 and 150 characters.
  • Cofoundry:Users:EmailAddress:RequireUnique: Set this to true to ensure that an email cannot be allocated to more than one user per user area. Note that if IUserAreaDefinition.UseEmailAsUsername is set to true then this setting is ignored because usernames have to be unique. This defaults to false because a uniqueness check during registration can expose whether an email is registered or not, which may be sensitive information depending on the nature of the application.


Controls the default password policy used for all user areas, including the Cofoundry admin user area.

  • Cofoundry:Users:Password:MinLength: The minimum length of a password. Defaults to 10 and anything less is not recommended. Must be between 6 and 2048 characters.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Password:MaxLength: The maximum length of a password. Defaults to 300 characters and must be between 6 and 2048 characters.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Password:MinUniqueCharacters: The number of unique characters required in a password. This is to prevent passwords like "aabbccdd". Defaults to 5 unique characters.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Password:SendNotificationOnUpdate: Indicates whether to send a confirmation notification to the user to let them know their password has been changed. This is only applied when a password is changed by the user and not via a reset e.g. via UpdateCurrentUserPasswordCommand or CompleteUserAccountRecoveryByEmailCommand. Defaults to true.


Controls the behavior of the self-service account recovery feature for all user areas, including the Cofoundry admin user area (unless otherwise stated).

  • Cofoundry:Users:AccountRecovery:RecoveryUrlBase: The relative base path used to construct the URL for the account recovery completion form. A unique token will be added as a query parameter to the URL, it is then resolved using ISiteUrlResolver.MakeAbsolute and added to the email notification e.g. "/auth/account-recovery" would be transformed to "{token}". The path can include other query parameters, which will be merged into the resulting URL. This setting is required when using the account recovery feature, unless you are building the URL yourself in a custom IDefaultMailTemplateBuilder implementation. Changing this setting does not affect the Cofoundry Admin account recovery feature.
  • Cofoundry:Users:AccountRecovery:InitiationRateLimit:Quantity: The maximum number of account recovery initiation attempts to allow within the rate limit time window. Defaults to 16 attempts. If zero or less, then rate limiting does not occur.
  • Cofoundry:Users:AccountRecovery:InitiationRateLimit:Window: The time-window in which to count account recovery initiation attempts when rate limiting, specified as a TimeSpan or in JSON configuration as a time format string e.g. "01:00:00" to represent 1 hour. Defaults to 24 hours. If zero or less, then rate limiting does not occur.
  • Cofoundry:Users:AccountRecovery:ExpireAfter: The length of time an account recovery token is valid for, specified as a TimeSpan or in JSON configuration as a time format string e.g. "01:00:00" to represent 1 hour. Defaults to 16 hours. If zero or less, then time-based validation does not occur.
  • Cofoundry:Users:AccountRecovery:ExecutionDuration:Enabled Controls whether the randomized execution duration feature is enabled for the account recovery (forgot password) initiation command. Defaults to true, mitigating time-based enumeration attacks to discover valid usernames
  • Cofoundry:Users:AccountRecovery:ExecutionDuration:MinInMilliseconds The inclusive lower bound of the randomized execution duration of the InitiateUserAccountRecoveryByEmailCommand, measured in milliseconds (1000ms = 1s). Defaults to 1.5 second.
  • Cofoundry:Users:AccountRecovery:ExecutionDuration:MaxInMilliseconds The inclusive upper bound of the randomized execution duration of the InitiateUserAccountRecoveryByEmailCommand, measured in milliseconds (2000ms = 2s). Defaults to 2 seconds.


Controls the behavior of the account verification feature. Note that the Cofoundry admin panel does not support an account verification flow and therefore these settings do not apply.

  • Cofoundry:Users:AccountVerification:RequireVerification: If set to true, then an account is required to be verified before being able to sign in. Defaults to false.
  • Cofoundry:Users:AccountVerification:ExpireAfter: The length of time an account verification token is valid for, specified as a TimeSpan or in JSON configuration as a time format string e.g. "01:00:00" to represent 1 hour. Defaults to 7 days. If zero or less, then expiry validation does not occur.
  • Cofoundry:Users:AccountVerification:InitiationRateLimit:Quantity: The maximum number of account verification initiation attempts to allow within the rate limit window. Defaults to 16 attempts. If zero or less, then rate limiting does not occur.
  • Cofoundry:Users:AccountVerification:InitiationRateLimit:Window: The time-window in which to count account verification initiation attempts when rate limiting, specified as a TimeSpan or in JSON configuration as a time format string e.g. "01:00:00" to represent 1 hour. Defaults to 24 hours. If zero or less, then rate limiting does not occur.
  • Cofoundry:Users:AccountVerification:VerificationUrlBase: The relative base path used to construct the URL for the account verification completion page. A unique token will be added as a query parameter to the URL, it is then resolved using ISiteUrlResolver.MakeAbsolute(string) and added to the email notification e.g. "/auth/account/verify" would be transformed to "{token}". The path can include other query parameters, which will be merged into the resulting URL. This setting is required when using the account verification feature, unless you are building the url yourself in a custom MailTemplates.DefaultMailTemplates.IDefaultMailTemplateBuilder implementation.


Controls the default username validation rules used for all user areas.

  • Cofoundry:Users:Username:AllowAnyCharacter: Allows any character in a username, effectively bypassing characters validation. Defaults to true, to ensure maximum compatibility to the widest range of usernames when integrating with external systems. When true any settings for AllowAnyLetters, AllowAnyDigit and AdditionalAllowedCharacters are ignored. Note that username character validation is ignored when IUserAreaDefinition.UseEmailAsUsername is set to true, because the format is already validated against the configured EmailAddressOptions.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Username:AllowAnyLetter: Allows a username to contain any character classed as a unicode letter as determined by Char.IsLetter. This setting is ignored when AllowAnyCharacter is set to true, which is the default behavior.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Username:AllowAnyDigit: Allows a username to contain any character classed as a decimal digit as determined by Char.IsDigit i.e 0-9. This setting is ignored when AllowAnyCharacter is set to true, which is the default behavior.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Username:AdditionalAllowedCharacters: Allows any of the specified characters in addition to the letters or digit characters permitted by the AllowAnyLetter and AllowAnyDigit settings. This setting is ignored when AllowAnyCharacter is set to true, which is the default behavior. The default settings specifies a handful of special characters commonly found in usernames: "-._' ".
  • Cofoundry:Users:Username:MinLength: The minimum length of a username. Defaults to 1. Must be between 1 and 150 characters.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Username:MaxLength: The maximum length of a username. Defaults to 150 characters and must be between 1 and 150 characters.
  • Cofoundry:Users:Username:UseAsDisplayName: If true then the normalized username is automatically copied to the display name field whenever it is updated. The display name field will no longer be able to be updated independently, but this is useful if your usernames are display-friendly and you don't want them to have to fill out a separate field.