Docs > Content Management > Data Model Annotations >


Primitive and basic types such as string and int display using a default editor that corresponds with their type. The default editor can be overriden by adding data annotations.

Supported primitive types include:

  • string: Displays as a text input
  • int: Displays as a number input
  • bool: Displays as a checkbox

The following primitives are supported by using the [Number] data annotation:

  • byte
  • short
  • long
  • float
  • double
  • decimal

The following data annotations can be used to enhance the standard editors:

Each of these are explained below:


The [Number] data annotation can be used to decorate a numeric field (e.g. int, decimal, long) and provide a UI hint to the admin interface to display an html5 number field.

The step property can be used to specify the precision of the number e.g. 2 decimal places

A nullable numeric type indicates it is an optional field, while a non-null numeric type indicates it is a required field.

Optional parameters

  • Step: Maps to the step attribute on a number html input field. This can be used to control the precision of the number entered. E.g. use a step value of '0.1' to allow a decimal value to 1 decimal place. The default value is '1' which uses integer level precision. A special value of 'any' can be used to allow any number type.


public class ExampleDataModel : ICustomEntityDataModel
    /// <summary>
    /// Renders a numeric input to two decimal places. As the decimal
    /// type is nullable, this is an optional field.
    /// </summary>
    [Number(Step = "0.01")]
    public decimal? ExampleDecimal { get; set; }


Decimal numeric field example


The [MultiLineText] data annotation can be used to decorate a string property and provide a UI hint to the admin interface to display a textarea field.

Optional parameters

  • Rows: The number of visible lines of text in the text editor. Defaults to 4.


public class ExampleDataModel : ICustomEntityDataModel
    [MultiLineText(Rows = 8)]
    public string ExampleMultiLine { get; set; }


Multi-line text field example