Docs > Plugins >

Available Plugins


This library contains services, abstractions and helpers for running in an Azure environment.


Hangfire implementation of Cofoundry.Core.BackgroundTasks.


This plugin contains a simple implementation of IErrorLoggingService that logs errors to a CofoundryPlugin.Error database table and optionally sends an email notification.


Handle image validation and resizing in Cofoundry using the cross platform ImageSharp library.


Cofoundry mail services that utilize the cross platform MailKit library.


Cofoundry mail service implemention for SendGrid.


The SiteMap plugin is a quick and easy way to add a dynamic sitemap to your site. All pages and custom entities routes are added to the sitemap automatically and additional pages can be added easily using an ISiteMapResourceRegistration class.


This plugin adds a single data attribute [Vimeo] that can be used to markup a property of type VimeoVideo. This will show as a Vimeo Video picker in the admin UI.


This plugin adds a single data attribute [YouTube] that can be used to markup a property of type YouTubeVideo. This will show as a YouTube Video picker in the admin UI.