Docs > Content Management > Data Model Annotations >


This section covers the following data annotations:

Each of these are explained below:


The [Color] data annotation can be used to decorate a string property and provide a UI hint to the admin interface to display a color picker field.

The editor will validate a hexadecimal color value e.g. "#EFEFEF" or "#fff".


using Cofoundry.Domain;

public class ExampleDataModel : ICustomEntityDataModel
    public string ExampleColor { get; set; }


Color field example


The [Placeholder] data annotation can be used to provide a UI hint to the admin interface to add a placeholder attribute in an html input field.


using Cofoundry.Domain;

public class ExampleDataModel : ICustomEntityDataModel
    [Placeholder("Type here")]
    public string? ExamplePlaceholder { get; set; }


Placeholder example showing placeholder text in an input field


The [ReadOnly] data annotation indicates that a property should not be editable in the admin UI.

Other annotations can still be used to indicate the type of editor to use to display the read-only value e.g. [Html] would render the value as Html, and [Date] would format the value as a date without a time.

This attribute only affects the display of the property in the admin panel, and values can still be updated programmatically.


using Cofoundry.Domain;

public class ExampleDataModel : ICustomEntityDataModel
    public DateTime EditableDate { get; set; }

    public DateTime ReadOnlyDate { get; set; }


Example showing how the ReadOnly attribute readers int he admin UI, showing an editable date and a readonly date field